Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Know Your Enemy.

Sorry for the lengthy delay since my last post. I've been down and out with a dying computer (finally laid to rest last Saturday). Anyway, on to the subject at hand. Know your enemy. In this case, the socialist/communist left that has taken control of the Democrat party and is running 2 of the 3 branches of our federal government.

Lets first define WHO we are discussing. The Democrat party elites that are in charge. I don't include special interest groups or individuals because at the end of the day the decisions made by our elected officials are theirs and theirs alone to answer for. The current Democrat party elites we'll define as those who've:

  • been nominated to run for President in both 2004 and 2008
  • those in leadership positions of both the House and Senate
  • those that hold seats on any of the given committees of both the House and Senate

To broad? I don't think so. Maybe not broad enough. Please note I do not include the sitting President. In my opinion, he is not in charge. He is merely being led around by the nose and is frequently led to slaughter by those that are running the show. He has also stated on many occasions that the people that are running things from behind the scenes are his mentors. So at the end of the day he's influenced by the people we've defined above rather than them being influenced by him. This puts them on unequal footing.

Next lets review WHERE these people come from. The current generation that make up a vast majority of those that fall under our definition "bloomed" into maturity during the 50's and 60's. A turbulent time full of cultural strife not just for the US but for the world. These are the people who labeled our soldiers as baby killers. Some like John Kerry actually made such statements before Congress. These are the people that sympathized with movements like The Weather Underground and The Black Panthers. These are people that sympathized with the protesters at the 1968 Democrat Convention. Their beliefs in Socialism and Communism that are contrary to a free and open society though they claim otherwise. Make no mistake, the fundamentals of Socialism and Communism are in direct conflict with the ideals of individual freedoms protect by the Bill of Rights and our Constitution. Hence the strong desire to rewrite the Bill of Rights by most people on the left.

So now that we've defined WHO and WHERE lets look at HOW. HOW is our enemy working to change society so that you as an individual become less free and more controlled. To understand HOW they plan to change society you need to think of this as a chess game. There will be feints and sacrificed pawns. You must think several moves ahead to get an idea of where they hope their plans will take you. Ultimately to checkmate. Their idea is that IF they can slowly and quietly establish laws then they can slowly erode your individual rights and assert greater control over your life. I would compare them to starfish that once they latch onto a muscle it is only a matter of time before they get inside the shell. Let's take their health care plan. Here is why a public option is so important to them:

  1. Establish via law a public health care insurance which directly competes with private health care insurance providers.
  2. Raise taxes on the middle classes to pay for said public health care insurance.
  3. Now that both public health care insurance and higher taxes have been established the process of dismantling the private health care insurance industry can begin. Dismantling the private health care insurance providers will be the result of middle class Americans either demanding (if they aren't already allowed to) access to the public option. This will be based on the fact that they have less disposable income due to higher taxes. The middle class will opt to join the public option over private because as they see it they're already paying for one insurance via higher taxes what is the point in paying for a private insurance as well.
  4. At this point they can begin to remove your rights to make decisions for your own health. This will be done in the name of efficiency and cost. This is the reason the current bill establishes obligatory end of life consults every 5 years for certain patients. This is the reason that the bill is 1100 pages long. So that they can hide, confuse and be non-specific enough to leave open the door to later interpretations which where not anticipated. Things like rationing will be inevitable once the middle class floods the public option. Decisions like does your 70 year old parent really need kidney dialysis or should nature just take its course will be decided by boards not by the family or the individual.

If you think this isn't how things will become please show me one nation which has established national health care and doesn't ration it's care. Also, please note that there is already talk about raising middle class taxes to pay for health care.

Now lets look at another recent program which the individuals we defined above have brought to us. On the face of it the Cash for Clunkers seems innocent enough. What's not to like about giving Americans a discount to purchase new cars while at the same time increasing gasoline efficiency. Remember one must think several moves ahead to see the goal of these people. So let me lay out what I see as the next moves. Please note this started with the changes Obama made to the fuel efficiency standards as well as Cap and Trade. I'll explain that below as well.

  1. Shorten the time frame in which more fuel efficient vehicles must be introduced into the the market place. The increase pace to bring to market more efficient vehicles puts an increased strain on the auto industry which is already broken. This will likely weaken the last remaining independent auto manufacturers which up to this point have not sought government intervention to remain solvent (such as Ford). This brings the last of the auto makers under the control of the government.
  2. Create a CO2 tax effectively raising taxes on "non green" electrical suppliers and factories. Essentially reducing the amount of disposable income of the middle and lower classes.
  3. Create a Cash for Clunkers program. By insisting that the turned in older, less efficient vehicles get crushed they are removed from the market place. Over time the supply of used vehicle will be impacted. Less supply equates to higher prices for second hand vehicles.
  4. Cap and Trade will raise the cost of buying a car because the factory where it was produced must pay a tax on it's CO2 emissions. In addition to the higher cost for forcing the market to bring higher fuel efficient vehicles the government will now have a solid control over all auto makers. With this increased influence the government will be in a position to apply pressure on the direction the company moves in. If you doubt that please ask yourself what CEO or other such manager of any auto maker will not be influenced when the Pay Czar will be deciding if he is making too much money. Let's not forget that Obama basically fired the GM CEO. As a result of this increased influence electric plug-in vehicles will become more and more prevalent.
  5. With the introduction of many make and models of electric plug-in vehicles replacing gas powered vehicles the demand for electricity will go up. In the early days to meet those demands coal will become more important not less. As the demand for electricity goes up so too will the amount of money the government collects in tax revenue.
  6. With vehicles now costing more to purchase both new and used and the added cost of electricity the middle and lower classes will be effected. Their disposable income will decrease. Inevitably this will lead to the average citizen demanding more public transportation services.
  7. Government will introduce plans to increase funding to public transportation.
  8. Urban areas will grow more populated decreasing suburban growth.
  9. The goal is reached. More green. Less pollution. It was accomplished through governmental economic pressures applied to the lower and middle classes. By removing the ability of both lower and middle class people to make a choice you achieve an objective of the left.

How long will that take to accomplish? I have no idea. Steps 1 and 2 are a reality now. Step 3 is before Congress. What I do know for a certainty is if Step 3 is passed by the Senate then Steps 4 through 9 are unstoppable. It won't be possible to undue the damage regardless of who is in office next. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like. I'm just laying on ONE of MANY possible outcomes. Like with chess there is no way to know what the EXACT next move of your opponent will be. If however you know your opponent you can begin to guess with better accuracy what their next move will be. That said the further out you go in your forecast the hard the greater the chance of errors. For all you know your opponent could make a stupendous error and leave it's king in open to check or checkmate. I would say that no one anticipated the uproar over health care that the middle class has voiced recently. I think that the Democrats are facing a check situation right now regarding that but not quiet the checkmate I hope for. Be sure though that with this miscalculation that they made regarding health care they will be more careful with their future endeavours. Stay vigilant. If you don't you may find yourself sitting on a packed bus watching through the window as wealthier people drive their electric plug-in cars to work and wondering how the hell they can risk doing that when the government won't cover injuries sustained in a crash involving a personal rather than public vehicle.