Friday, May 21, 2010

Obama the Thug?

If you know anything about Big O you know he's got very close connections to labour unions and specifically SEIU. In case you didn't know about his connections to SEIU here's a brief history...
  • Obama the candidate addresses SEIU meeting in 2006 (here's a 6 minute video of the address). OK so if you've watched the video you're thinking NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS.
  • Obama and Andy Stern have a close relationship. Andy Stern is the head of SEIU. In fact he thinks so highly of Andy Stern he's appointed him to head the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. (here's my proof)
  • Here's another video of Obama at another SEIU meeting. CLICK HERE. Please note here Obama says to the SEIU crowd "Your agenda has been my agenda..." OH REALLY? He goes on to say "before debating health care I talked to Andy Stern and SEIU members." Fantastic.
  • So was it your agenda Mr. Obama when SEIU thugs beat a black man on the street? Here's the video. Did you, Mr. Obama, talk to Andy Stern before or after they beat Kenneth Gladney. SEIU claims about the attack are on their website click here to read it. Even though there is video and about a dozen witnesses SEIU put up a bunch of lies on their site. Here's an interview of Kenneth Gladney explaining how the whole attack started click here.
  • Want to see more videos of SEIU members intimidating people? Click here and watch a video about SEIU members threatening a 16 year-old girl. Then there are plenty of other videos of SEIU intimidation click here.  I could go on and on and on. That's enough for now I think.  My point is made I believe....SEIU frequently practices intimidation and threatens people to bully them to bend to their will.
So why the post? Because when most of this was going on I tried to think OK lets give Obama the benefit of a doubt. Obama wanted health care reform and the union thugs showed up. MAYBE it was coincidence...MAYBE. Now Obama wants economic reform and guess what....the union thugs have shown up AGAIN.
This time they're showing up at the private residences of private citizens and intimidating them. See Video 1 and see Video 2.  It wasn't a small group. Video 1 shows SEIU, using 14 buses showing up at Mr. Greg Baer's home with 500 members. Mr. Baer's teenage son was the only one home at the time. Mr. Baer was attending his younger child's baseball game. On returning to his house he saw the mob out in front of his home. With his younger son in the car he decided to call the police. The police told him they wouldn't disperse the crowd for fear that the mob might turn violent. Imagine yourself as Mr. Baer, you've got your youngest son in the car with you, your oldest trapped in your home by a mob of 500 people. What do you do? Mr. Baer decided he had to get his son out of potential danger. He politely moved through the crowd asking people to please move out of his way he had to get to his home because his teenage son was in there.
Why protest outside Mr. Baer's home? Well he works for Bank of America. It just so happens that SEIU is in debt to Bank of America for 4 million dollars. Huh? It also just so happens that SEIU gave almost 70 million dollars to the Democrat Party. Huh? History is full of examples where evil men use groups to intimidate private citizens. Hitler used similar cut-outs/thug groups to intimidate people. Either Obama stands up and denounces SEIU or he's in agreement with their tactics. So far Mr. Obama has remained silent. So far Mr. Obama has shown his silent alliance with SEIU by giving it's leadership principle roles in our government. Mr. Obama has very little time left in my opinion to separate himself from this group or he risks wearing the label of Nazi. This kind of intimidation can not stand. If Mr. Obama won't denounce SEIU it is time for all you fence sitters out their to get over your poor choice of voting for Obama. Realize you made a mistake voting for this man. Time to take a stand against this sort of intimidation.  This is UN-AMERICAN.  Is this the HOPE and CHANGE Obama promised us?  HOPE you won't have a crowd of thugs show up at your home?  Time to CHANGE residence so your family is safe from thugs?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"The flag should never be used as wearing apparel,..."

According to U.S. Code Title 4 Chapter 1 Section 8d "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel,...".  While I understand the desire or intent is patriotic it is disrespectful to the flag to wear it as apparel.  So those children over at the Live Oak High School may have intended to show patriotism by wearing apparel to school depicting the American flag it in essence is a form of disrepect to the flag.  While I don't agree with the schools reaction I do think there could've been a better method to expressing their patriotism without disrespecting the flag.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ex Parte Quirin

If you don't know what Ex Parte Quirin refers to let me explain it in simple terms.  This is a case in which the US Supreme Court upheld the jurisdiction of military tribunals over eight NAZI saboteurs.  All eight were found guilty and convicted.  Six of the eight were executed by electrocution.  It's relevant to our discussion that one of those six was German born but US naturalized citizen (at age ten).    If we have precedent of putting US citizens in front of military tribunals and furthermore executing them why are we putting non-citizen and citizen saboteurs into civilian courts?  Both Bush and Obama have completely screwed this up.  There is absolutely no excuse for having detained terrorists for years without getting in front of a military tribunal.  Just as there is no excuse for putting terrorists through our civil courts systems.  Faisal Shahzad is a modern day equivalent to a NAZI saboteurs.  His attempted attack on Times Square would have killed Americans, hurt our economy and created fear and terror in America.  We keep calling people like Shahzad as terrorists.  Maybe we should begin "labeling" them as saboteurs instead.  Shahzad as a saboteur would not have the same rights as he currently has in civilian courts.  The efficiency of a military tribunal would be quick and just.  Follow by an execution if found guilty.  No more weeks, months, years of propaganda and consuming millions of our tax dollars.  Time for Americans (including you President Obama) to find our backbones and begin to treat this war as a war.  We didn't soft glove the NAZI saboteurs we shouldn't be soft gloving Muslim saboteurs.