Thursday, March 12, 2009

Liar Liar Earmarks On Fire

I know I said this was going to be a once a week thing but I am certain I wasn't going to be able to wait another week to bring this up.

So Obama spoke at Congress about the state of the economy about 3 weeks ago. During that speech he said "I am proud that we passed a recovery plan free of earmarks and I want to pass a budget next year that ensures that each dollar we spend reflects only our most important national priorities..."

Yesterday, behind closed doors, as if in shame Obama signed a budget for this year with nearly 9000 earmarks. I don't really think it's necessary for me to provide a link to this fact. You'd have to be living under a rock not to know this. The question I ask is how is this year less important than next year? This year we are struggling economically. This year people are loosing their homes. This year people are loosing their jobs. This year banks are sending our tax dollars given to them to bail them out over seas. This year I think it is far more important to pass a budget without earmarks. Nearly 8 billion dollars is going to almost 9000 projects like studying pig odor, catfish genetics, and astronomy. How are any of these earmarks going to make our lives better? They certainly aren't going to fix the economy. They are just more debt our government creating that we will have to pay back for generations. So returning to the is this year's budget less important than next years. In Obama's defense he didn't promise in his speech not to sign a budget without earmarks he only promised to cut spending next year. It's almost as if he's saying I know you elected me to bring change to Washington and I will bring change first thing next year. It reminds me of an alcoholic promising that this next drink will be his last, or a smoker saying I'm going to quit smoking tomorrow. We all know what happens....the alcoholic has another drink and tomorrow is always tomorrow for the smoker. Some of you who read this might know where the phrase "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." That's Popeye's old pal Wimpy. So Obama has told Congress I'll gladly sign a bill today full of earmarks for an earmark free bill next year. Do you really think that will happen? Do you really believe that Congress and Obama aren't going to come to the well again? Well SURPRISE.....Congressmen and woman are already beginning to talk about stimulus bill number 4 for this year. Some day change will come to Congress but it won't be done by an empty suit like Obama. Some might say he's picking his fights carefully. That's a tough claim to make when he hasn't fought yet nor stuck to his promises that got him elected. I'm having a tough time believing that Obama is actually running the White House when he signs bills like this. OR he is running the White House, accomplishing everything he wants to accomplish and lying to us through his teeth. Some of you may have received my email's prior to the election pointing out some troubling facts about Obama. I believe we are witnessing exactly what I was trying to show you all. Obama has lied from the very beginning about who he is and what his politics are because the truth of it is if he spoke from his heart he never would've have won the election. If he stood up for what he believes in McCain would've won by a landslide. Obama in my opinion, based on what I've seen him do so far, is telling us what we want to hear and then going about business in exactly the opposite manner. You can't stand before the world crowing about the wastefulness of Washington and then sign a bill into law that in debts our children and expect the world not to suggest you're a hypocrite.


  1. Good post, I'm glas someone is making this known. Where are all the liberals who were against this kind of thing?

  2. What I find HILARIOUS, is that people like John Stewart are now turning their backs on Obama. Before the election, they talked about of like he was the second comming. Now that Bush is gone, I geuss ole John is running out of jokes and can see what a gold mine the Obama administtration is. (Not that I like,support or even watch people like Stewart. I jyst happened to see a clip online making fun of him)

  3. I know my avatar may be small, but if anyone can read it please do. It is the latest Newsweek mag cover. When I fist saw it. Something about it struck me as a bit outragious. Can anyone figure out what it is?

  4. Fiasco I completely agree. The media talking heads that pumped up Obama are now putting some healthy distance between themselves and the administration. I wonder if this is because thus far he has utterly failed to live up to his promises. By the way I don't see your avatar sorry.
