Wednesday, September 29, 2010

EA's latest MoH release banned at AAFES

I was talking to a friend of mine this past Sunday and he mentioned that in the BX there was a sign posted that stated that GameStop in AAFES locations wouldn't be selling the latest Medal of Honor video game.  My immediate reaction was..."Well that's stupid."  That was, admittedly, knee-jerk because I feel that way about anything that's banned.

I knew that the game's plot takes place in Afghanistan but I still thought that it should be alright.  So I came home and Googled it to find out more information about the reason behind it.  What I hadn't thought about was the multiplayer portion of the game.  When I read that the multiplayer portion of the game has people take the role of Taliban killing American soldiers (and vice versus) it occurred to me that the creators had crossed a line.  Yes there are other games where you can take the role of the "baddies" and kill American soldiers but those game are almost always fictional wars (such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1 & 2) or they are past wars like WWII (such as earlier installments of the Medal of Honor series).  This to my knowledge would be the first game that allows you to take the role of a "baddy" while the depicted conflict is still ongoing.

It struck me though that this might be bigger than a simple ban of a game.  I wonder if this doesn't say something of our society and it's morals?  We can debate all day and night about whether it was right to invade Iraq or not.  However, I think that with some minor, insignificant exceptions we are in agreement that the war in Afghanistan was a necessity after the attacks of 9-11.  That said, I can't help to wonder what type of person thought...gee wouldn't it be great to take the role of a Taliban during multiplayer?  Also, why didn't anyone through the chain of decision makers that the game idea passed through stop it?  I'm still of the opinion that this title shouldn't have been banned.  Though, I believe that someone at EA should have halted the multiplayer portion of the game.  I hope and pray that this game will generate very few sales.  I'm afraid though that it will sell millions of copies.  I'm a HUGE gamer and I will not be buying this game out of respect for our fallen and their families.  I hope and pray that our society will send EA a strong message by refusing to purchase this game.  If you're in the market for a FPS game well take your dollars and purchase the latest installment of the Call of Duty series.  They've just released a new game at the same time as MoH.  Use you conscience and heart.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Couldn't get more out of touch if they were living on the moon.

Our federal government is completely out of touch with the average American.  Just this past week we witnessed that they invited a commedian, Colbert, to TESTIFY to the congress about a subject he is no expert on.  Adding insult to injury Colbert testified in CHARACTER!  So while average Americans are having trouble making ends meet (to quote a woman at a recent Obama town hall event going back to beans and hot dogs) our Congress is spending OUR money listening to a comedy stick preformed live for their benefit.  UNBELIEVABLE!  Furthermore, we watch as they ursurp our rights to privacy by now pushing for laws that will allow them to spy on American citizens internet activity.  It's not enough that Obama pushed and recieved the ability to spy on our cell phone calls.  Why do I use the word SPY?  Because they don't need a warrant to be able to do listen in to your cell phones and monitor your internet activity.  So where are all those people who took issue with the Bush Admin using warrentless wire taps to listen in on phone calls to foreign locations?