Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Couldn't get more out of touch if they were living on the moon.

Our federal government is completely out of touch with the average American.  Just this past week we witnessed that they invited a commedian, Colbert, to TESTIFY to the congress about a subject he is no expert on.  Adding insult to injury Colbert testified in CHARACTER!  So while average Americans are having trouble making ends meet (to quote a woman at a recent Obama town hall event going back to beans and hot dogs) our Congress is spending OUR money listening to a comedy stick preformed live for their benefit.  UNBELIEVABLE!  Furthermore, we watch as they ursurp our rights to privacy by now pushing for laws that will allow them to spy on American citizens internet activity.  It's not enough that Obama pushed and recieved the ability to spy on our cell phone calls.  Why do I use the word SPY?  Because they don't need a warrant to be able to do listen in to your cell phones and monitor your internet activity.  So where are all those people who took issue with the Bush Admin using warrentless wire taps to listen in on phone calls to foreign locations?

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