Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bigger than Barnum

I can't wait for the big show to kick off. I really hope that the Dems do start a in depth investigation of the torture that took place under the Bush Admin. It's just what we need as a nation. It will set us straight in the eyes of the world. No longer will we be viewed as a tyrannical superpower. We need to bring light to those dark days and watch the roaches scatter. Sarcasm aside, I'm serious. I'll TiVo the whole show. Why? Well I know what the outcome will be or at least I think I know what it will be. You see the Dems, claiming morale superiority, have beaten the Repubs with the torture stick for about 6 years now. Now that they have both houses and the presidency they are on the hook. Just like they were with the "vote for us and we'll get you out of Iraq" and here we are going on 3 years since they've had control of both houses and we're still in Iraq. This is no different. They made a lot of noise last Fall just before the election about vote for me and we'll have trails and now people want to hold them to it. Obama knows better. That's why he initially said there won't be any trials. Which is why he released the CIA documents. He had hoped that by releasing those documents he would placate his base and avoid having to actually investigate the individuals that were involved. What a colossal blunder releasing those documents have been. In releasing those documents he made an enemy of the intelligence community. Not only has the release of those documents put us in greater risk by showing our hand to the enemy it will also make the intel community skittish about taking risks for the nation. Now with the potential of being brought to trail for offering legal opinions and for following orders the intel community will be even less likely to actively protect us. They will become what they were prior to 9-11 a reactive organization rather than a proactive one. Who can blame them?

So WHY am I looking forward to the trials and investigations and the testimony on the Hill? Well, to chase the roaches back into their holes. In this case it's Pelosi, Reed and the rest of the screaming mimi's. Some of the young and new blood on the Hill are idealist and might yet still have some delusions about cleaning house. The old guard though knows, or should know, better. Here's my predictions for any trails regarding torture. I would bet that the people in charge of the interrogations of captive terrorist practiced some CYA. For those that don't know CYA means Cover Your Ass. My guess is that Pelosi and Reed and all the rest were fully briefed on what practices were not only in the Bush Admins opinion legal but which were actually being used or going to be used. Now Pelosi can claim all she wants that knowing something might be used is not the same thing as something being used. That just doesn't cut it. No American will buy that line except the truly dense, blind followers. Furthermore, by releasing those documents Obama all but guaranteed that some staffer, lawyer, or interrogator practicing some good CYA will squirrel or has squirreled away documents, recordings, and/or video tapes which will show that the screaming mimi's were implicit in the aggressive interrogation techniques. Using this evidence of their innocence if they are brought to trial. Time and time again this has happened during show trials. Just like when the Dems created the Un-American Activities Committee to seek out Communists (which by the way was originally created to seek out the KKK but then again the KKK was run by the Dems and by their voter base so they switched their focus to Communists) this too will blow up in their faces.

The American Center for Law and Justice has filed a Freedom of Information request to get the memo of the briefing that Pelosi received back in 2002 regarding water boarding. If they get the memo I have a strong suspicion it will show that Pelosi and other Dems knew about it and accepted it. The Dems should've known better than to light the pyre while standing in it when burning witches. Obviously, they did not and will suffer for it. When it comes out that some of these terrorists gave up information that saved lives they will burn for it. When it comes out that they knew about these techniques being used and then feigned indignation to further their political goals (like they did with denying any sort of WMD materials were in Iraq oh yeah except for the nearly 800 tons of yellow cake that our government knew about since 1992 but hey lets pretend that doesn't exist). When people begin to connect the dots and see that to further their political careers they denied knowing about water boarding, helped close GitMo, and remove water boarding from the table of interrogations and in doing so put all Americans at greater risk they will burn.

All of the Dems talk is just that TALK. They don't want trials. They could've started an active investigation into the water boarding over 2 years ago. They haven't, didn't and won't. They fear what will come out. They know that once the public finds out about the scam they've been running there will be a house cleaning in the next election. Just like they never mounted any serious effect to cut funding for the war in Iraq they won't mount any serious effort to hold hearings about water boarding. They know it will be their political death to so. Just as it would've been if the Dems were actually successful in cutting funding for the war in Iraq.

So bring on the trials! Let's air the dirty laundry! This will bring down the Obama administration and cost him the next election. It will ruin the Dem party and will cost them both houses within 2-4 years. I hope that with an already weaken Republican party prior to any hearings and a destroyed Dem party after the hearing a serious 3rd party might gain enough seats to have meaning. I do not necessarily like a particular 3rd party but I believe a 3rd party with some teeth might help restore some balance to D.C. The shift to the left by both parties is appalling. Over the last 10 years or so the Republicans shifted away from the right and picked up the ideals of the Dems while the Dems began picking up the ideals of Marx and Lenin. Now is the time for a new 3rd party that will shift the other two parties back towards their center left and center right homes. So let's get ready for the show and POSSIBLY a new political awakening of the silent American center right majority. Enjoy!

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