Tuesday, May 12, 2009


When I first heard about it I thought....geeeee....didn't I blog about this not so long ago. In fact I did. ecoAmerica believes:

"Our engagement marketing approach creates new audience and consumer opportunities.... By harnessing our audience understanding and developing measurably successful programs, we create partnerships that reach out to new people and create lasting behavior changes that benefit our project partners..."
OK maybe the scariest couple of words in that paragraph are "lasting behavior changes". So they believe that by using marketing techniques they can sway their audience to their point of view to benefit their project partners....oh and by the way the environment too. Lets see if I have this straight....they're going to make money by helping other companies sell to the public that global warming is man made and if you buy their partners products you'll help prevent it. In doing so they expect to be able to influence your behavior for the long term. Wow! Quality! Nice to see they're not afraid to admit what I've been saying for years.....environmentalism is about money not the environment.

The best though is from their "research".

Climate and Energy Media Center (new program)
The Climate and Energy Media Center is a plan for a media “war room” that would repudiate the climate deniers; help change the framing on climate change from a long-term catastrophe to a near term economic and national security opportunity; and work to make climate change relevant by connecting climate and weather with Americans' everyday lives. Fresh polling data from Pew and Rasmussen indicate the increasing need for this program - global warming still ranks last out among the
top 20% public priorities and for the first time, more Americans attributed global warming to natural causes (44%) than human activity (41%). Since October, Bob Perkowitz and David Fenton have fleshed out the strategy and organization of the operation. Because this project requires a significant capital investment to launch – we won’t move forward until we have raised at least $1,000,000 for it. We have secured about $300,000 of initial pledges and are working with ACP/WE, EDF, NRDC, Open Society and others to secure necessary additional funding, but we have not secured any additional commitments at this point.

These people have no shame. Rather than letting science frame the debate they'd rather use slogans and rhetoric. For those that don't think that there's big money in the environmental movement you've just been given a cold slap in the face with this group. They basically state they must spend money to convince the public. Sorry I thought science would do that? No?

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