Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm at a loss for words.

I just don't know what to say about the latest ACORN scandal that has come out. You can watch the undercover video at the following link:

Watch the ACORN Baltimore Prostitution Investigation video 1 and 2. It's simply unbelievable what these people are assisting. It seems like something out of a bad comedy. When I say that I mean it's sooooo absurd what these ACORN people are plotting that you just can't believe something like this ACTUALLY HAPPENED. I was watching this happen and my mind just couldn't believe it. I was having a VERY difficult time believing this was REAL. OK they were set up but COME is it possible that these two ACORN people can 1) believe this and 2) partake in something SO IMMORAL and SO ILLEGAL! When you finish watching this you got to ask yourself if something SO IMMORAL and SO ILLEGAL and SO UNBELIEVABLE is conducted WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON AT ACORN!?

Now remember, ACORN is an organization that Obama worked for, that Obama appaulds, is an organization that has taken active roles in shaping government policy and new laws and regulations. They are now in some of the highest echolons of our government and hold such influence over our government that Congress REFUSES to investigate them.

ACORN has recieve $53 MILLION in Federal money. They are about to get BILLIONS more. I have to ask the question....When will you all wake up? When will you stand up and make it known that supporting organizations like ACORN MUST END. How many more truly awful people and organizations to you need to see connected to Obama before you figure out you've been fooled? If this were the ONLY case of illegal activity by ACORN I'd say...OK a rotten apple is to blame....but it's not the ONLY case. If this were the ONLY corrupt organization or individual connected DIRECTLY to Obama I'd say...OK we have all made poor choices in freinds or associates from time to time....but it isn't the ONLY time there has been a DIRECT connection made to Obama and corruption and evil. Last year about this time of year I sent out a lengthy email of DIRECT connection between Obama and corruption, evil, communists, and terrorist. Starting next week I'm going to fill my blog with post after post of true, verifiable Obama ties to individuals and groups that most of you have never known about. I'm sick to death of the stink around this man. I'm sorry if this offends you. I'm sorry if this sounds partisan. It's not. It's fact. This must end before it's too late. Please, come next week and read what I post. You don't need to comment if you don't like. But come and read it. Those of you that know me know I'm not some crackpot that will put up lies, conspiracies or loosely tied tales. Come here and read and then ask.....Why hasn't Obama been asked about these connections and why hasn't he given answers for these connections.


  1. Acorn is into so many things and has so many fronts that RICO charges would be an understatemnt!
