Monday, September 14, 2009

Raila Odinga

Who is Raila Odinga? Let's get to know him and his accomplishments.

  • Born January 7, 1945 in Maseno, Kisumu District, Nyanza Province, Kenya.
  • Raila named his first born son after Fidel Castro.
  • Raila, a proud Marxist, was awarded a scholarship in 1965 to the Technical University, Magdeburg in East Germany. East Germany for those who are not aware or to young to remember was ruled by the Soviet Union.
  • In 1970 he graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.
  • In 1982 he was a collaborator in a Soviet backed, failed and very bloody coup attempt against President Daniel arap Moi of Kenya an ally of the United States.
  • Kenya has been one of the most stable democracy's in Africa since the 1960's.
  • For his part in the coup he spent 8 years in prison. He denied his guilt.
  • Later in a biography he claimed to be the leader of the coup. However, the statute of limitations was up so he could not be prosecuted for that role.
  • He was arrested in 1988 for his participation with the Kenya Revolutionary Movement which was an underground organization pushing for “multi-party democracy” in “a one-party state”.
  • Raila was release on June 12, 1989 and then arrested again on July 5, 1990.
  • Release again on June 21, 1991 he fled Kenya in October to Norway alleging the government intended to assassinate him.
  • In February, 1992 Raila returned to Kenya to join his father, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, in the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy (FORD). The stated goal of FORD was to return multi-party democracy to Kenya.
  • In the 1992 elections Raila won the Langata Constituency parliament seat.
  • Jaramogi Oginga Odinga died in January 1994.
  • Raila Odinga left FORD in a lost attempt to unseat Michael Wamalwa Kijana from FORD-Kenya chairmanship.
  • In the 1997 elections Raila finished third after President Moi and Democratic Party candidate Mwai Kibaki.
  • Raila retain his parliamentary seat for the Langata Constituency.
  • Raila supporting the Moi government help merge his party with the NDP, KANU.
  • Raila served as Energy Minister in Moi's Cabinet from June 2001 to 2002.
  • Moi was constitutionally prohibited from serving a fourth term as President and rather than throwing his support behind Raila he asked Raila and the rest of his party members to support Uhuru Kenyatta, the son of Kenya's first president.
  • Raila and others refused to support Uhuru. Instead they formed the Rainbow Movement.
  • Later the Rainbow Movement joined up with the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) and still later teamed up with the National Alliance Party of Kenya(NAK). This coalition became known as the National Rainbow Coalition(NARC).
  • Raila was apparently betrayed by Kibaki leader of NAK and upon winning the election for President refused to offer Cabinet positions to the LDP, Rail's group or any of the other NARC members. Instead he assigned the positions to the members of KANU and FORD.
  • After the collapse of NARC Raila formed the Orange Democratic Movement(ODM).
  • Odinga received large support from Kenya's Muslim community.
  • Odinga denied any connection between himself and the Muslim leaders.
  • Sheik Abdullahi Abdi, chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, presented a Memorandum Of Understanding(MOU) signed on August 29, 2007 by Odinga and Adbi during an appearance on Kenyan television.
  • The details of the MOU promised the Muslim communities support for Odinga, in return, if elected President, Odinga would impose measures such as recognizing “Islam as the only true religion”. Other policies promised were to give Muslim leaders “oversight role to monitor activities of ALL other religions”, the install of Shariah courts in every jurisdiction, a ban on Christian preaching, replacement of the police commissioner who “allied himself to be used by heathens and Zionists”, adoption of a women's dress code, and bans on alcohol and pork.
  • These Islamic extremists are the same groups that took part in the bombing of the US embassies.
  • The 2007 election was reportedly rife with voter fraud and manipulation by both Kibaki and Raila supporters.
  • After loosing the 2007 elections Raila claimed it was due to voter fraud.
  • Following his loss to Kibaki there were 2 months of extreme violence and genocide.
  • On New Years Day 2008, in the village of Eldoret, Kenya a mob of 2,000 Islamic extremists, supporters of Raila Odinga, locked 50 parishioners into the Assemblies of God church and then they set it on fire. Most of the parishioners were women and children. Any that fled the burning building were hacked to death by the machete-wielding Islamic supporters of Raila Odinga.
  • President Kibaki requested a meeting of all opposition leaders in early January in the hopes to bring an end to the violence. Everyone attended except Raila Odinga. A month later Odinga was offered the role of Prime Minister in the Kibaki government if he “would end the violence”. The violence ended.
  • When the violence ended in mid-February 1,500 Kenyans were killed most were Christians slain by Islamic supporters of Odinga.
  • More than half a million people were displaced from their homes.
So now we know who Raila is. How is he connect Barrack Obama? Lets see....

  • Kenyan peoples support for Odinga was low initially. This was true right up until his cousin, Barrack Obama came to his aid. According to Odinga, Barrack and Odinga are cousins. Odinga's maternal uncle is Obama's father's brother.  Is this true?  We don't really know.  No evidence has been provided one way or the other but Obama's campaign denied it.
  • Obama sent Mark Lippert, his foreign policy adviser, to Kenya in early 2006 to make arrangements for his summer visit.
  • Barrack traveled to Kenya in August 2006.
  • Barrack and Odinga traveled together throughout Kenya during his trip.
  • Shortly after meeting with President Kibaki Obama made the damning statement against Kibaki stating “The Kenyan people have to suffer over corruption perpetrated by government officials.”
  • Showing firm support for Raila, his cousin, Obama said “Kenyans are now yearning for change”.
  • Oama continues to deny any role in assisting Odinga's campaign. However, there are many video's showing Obama making appearances at campaign rallies for Odinga in Kenya. One such video for example can be seen here
  • Please note, that Barrack Obama used your federal tax dollars to make this trip.  In essence, your tax dollars indirectly went to support Odinga's campaign.
  • Also note that Barrack Obama's campaign did not deny any of the meetings that took place with Odinga.  Further, they admit that Barrack Obama has taken/made phone calls to Odinga.
So what can we conclude?  Is Barrack Obama a cousin of Raila Odinga?  Maybe, but does it really matter?  Not so much.  It might be one of the plausible explainations for why he spent so much time with Odinga in Kenya but his campaign has denied that they are cousins.  What we know for certain, based on fact, is that Raila Odinga is a ardent communist.  We know that Raila Odinga made a pact with Islamic extremists.  We know that Raila Odinga is in part responsible for the riots, bloodshed and genocide that occured after the elections.  We know that prior to these elections Barrack Obama gave his support to Raila Odinga with US tax dollars funding it.

Finally, in closing, it is obvious that Barrack Obama has a connection to Raila Odinga.  I would not say that Barrack Obama has ever supported the riots and genocide.  However, by supporting Raila Odinga it shored up his base and gave them confidence.  Would they have rioted if Obama had never shown up?  Maybe.  We'll never know.  We can say at a minimum Barrack Obama is guilty of poor judgment in throwing support behind a man such as Odinga.  I would even say if this were Obama's ONLY connection to a Marxist/Communist/Terrorist/Racist then it would have little or no significance.  This isn't the case however.  Obama has a long history and numerous connections with Marxist/Communist/Terrorist/Racist individuals.
I have concluded, that Obama went to Kenya intent on giving his support a to Marxist/Communist canidate.  Odinga has supported a canidate that has reportedly used violence to further his political goals therefore Obama also supported a terrorist canidate.  You might say, well he didn't know about the pact with the Islamic extremists and the genocide ocurred AFTER Obama's visit.  Both of which are true points.  However, all Obama or his campaign staff would've had to do is google Raila Odinga and they would've learned he was a Communist and had supposedly used violence to further his political agenda.  So the question needs to be asked, if Obama knew about this or should've known about this why did he go to Kenya and why did he aid Odinga's campaign if he did not believe in the Communist cause?
I believe based on the research I've done that Obama knew EXACTLY who he was supporting.  I believe Obama stood for a Communist because he is one himself.  To further support that point I'll be outlining the other colorful figures in Obama's life in later posts.

1 comment:

  1. "Obama went to Kenya intent on giving his support a to Marxist/Communist canidate."

    Obviously true.

    Obama already told America that he wants wealth redistribution.

    What we do know is that Obama is against good ol' American capitalism.

    Whether Obama is a Marxist or a Liberal Fascist might be up for debate.
