Be warned there is some math below.
I got thinking about the stimulus program and the unemployment numbers. Here is what I thought about....
*Note: for simplicity sake I'm keeping the numbers round.*
The average life expectancy in the USA is about 85 years old.
The approximate population of the USA is about 300 million.
Lets say that age group of the typical full time employee falls between 18 to 65.
So we can formulate that the approximate number of Americans that falls inside that full time employment group is roughly half the population. So approximately 150 million people.
Now the unemployment number (when you include those that are no longer looking for work, with those that lost full time employment and are working part time, with those that are collecting unemployment) is about 15%.
So the number of unemployed Americans is about 22.5 million.
Now the Obama/Democrat stimulus program (mind you not counting the second program and Bush's program) is somewhere around 1 trillion US$.
This stimulus program was specifically created to "save or create" jobs.
If one divides the 1 trillion US$ by the number of unemployed Americans of 22.5 million a shocking number appears.
That number is 44,444.44 US$. That's a typical middle income family in America right now. If it so happens that the home has 2 unemployed Americans the number of course doubles to 88,888.00 US$. While the first number is a moderate middle income lifestyle (maybe only 1 new car and 1 old car in the driveway instead of 2) the $88k is a pretty comfortable income for a typical family of 4 or 5.
So that said...I'm having a REALLY tough time understanding what happened to all the money. How is it we are still "officially" sitting at nearly 10% unemployment? This is a year and a half since Obama signed it into law. He could have taken that 1 trillion US$ and paid every single unemployed America a living wage and given the entire economy breathing room and a chance to recover. No loans or mortgages would have slipped into default causing the FDIC insured banks to choke on their debts forcing them to be stingy with business loans or in some cases failing. The economy would've rebounded because Americans would still be spending money. Sure some economic restriction would have still occurred but right now I'd bet we'd be looking at MUCH lower unemployment. Plus the government would REALLY be handing out $44k. You forget that they'd take in about 25% in taxes and about 7.5% in FICA. So here's another MATH equation to look at.
If out of the 1 trillion US$ that the government handed out in my hypothetical as salaries for the unemployed they took back 32.5% in taxes and FICA. Then they'd get back about 325 billion US$. WOW! Imaging that. In effect we could have shave a third of the stimulus program right at the beginning.
Anyways those are my thoughts. What are yours?
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