Saturday, June 6, 2009

Did you blink AGAIN!?

I came across this when researching the earlier post and thought....WOW....too good to pass up. Here's what B.H. thought should've happened to the Gitmo detainees:

"In terms of the issue of Guantanamo, look, this is a very difficult issue. It's difficult in my country; it's difficult internationally. We have a facility that contains some people who are very difficult to deal with. Some of them probably should not have been detained in those facilities in the first place. They should have been processed and tried and convicted. If they weren't convicted, then they should not have been languishing in a facility like that, that became a symbol for many around the world of us not sticking to our ideals and our traditions and rule of law."
This was his response to a question at the press conference held in Dresden on June 5th, 2009 with German Chancellor Merkel. I linked to quote directly to the White House website so as prevent people from denying he actually said it later. What part of that statement really jumps out and grabs your attention? For me it's the "They should have been processed and tried and convicted." sentence. He later mentions how this was a symbol of our lack of "sticking to our ideals and our traditions and rule of law." EXCUSE ME!? Chalk it up to B.H. being off teleprompter and making an error in speaking his mind or possibly just plain not thinking before he spoke. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Isn't that one of the core principles that makes America unique in the world. Essentially B.H. said they should've been found guilty as a result of the trial and that by not doing that OR freeing violent people on society we were betraying our values. Uh-huh....does that make sense to anyone out there? It sure doesn't make any sense to me.

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