Monday, June 29, 2009

I blame you....

It's been a month since my last post because I've been struggling with how to put in words my thoughts. I don't want to come across angry or hostile but it's how I feel right now. I don't want to be overly dramatic but it is difficult not to be. Saying things are bad right now is an understatement. Our government OWNS private industry. The government creates laws that have no logic or sense to them. They can't even be bothered to read what they vote on. They raise our taxes without ever voting for a tax raise via stealth mechanisms like the new energy bill or by becoming a shareholder in the top banks and auto manufacturers. The government fights to have indited not for profit organizations to be active members of the upcoming census but won't fight to protect our tax dollars from the very same indited entity. We allow our government to put non elected officials, Czars, who are not beholden to anyone including us in charge of policies that ONLY elected officials have any business making. Our government is now dictating to private industry, how much pay individuals should receive and whether to hire or fire personnel. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Our society and government is rotting from the inside out and as plainly stated as I can be this is OUR fault. I blame the last 3 or 4 generations of Americans. Maybe the world is correct when they disparage us. Maybe we are all fat and stupid. I mean LOOK at what is going on and ask YOURSELF.....what have you personally done to stop it? When was the last time you publicly took a unpopular stand? When did you last attend a town hall meeting and speak you mind? When did you last VOTE? Times like we have right now don't happen over night. No one politician or on political party to blame. Point the finger all you want but when you live in a democracy you have no one to blame but yourself. The events that are unfolding today are a result of your apathy. You whine that you don't vote because your vote doesn't count. Well it surely won't if you don't vote that's for certain. You complain that you can't afford health care then do nothing to stop frivolous lawsuits a for millions of dollars for a unnecessary surgery gone wrong. You whine about prescription drugs being to expensive and then down load music illegally. All you do is whine and moan, never lifting a finger to do more than you need to for your own personal sphere. I got news for you this is EXACTLY why politicians come to your "rescue". They make promises to take care of you to make your life more simple. All you need to do is promise to give them authority over you. These promises they know are fluff and lies but you buy into. Would someone please explain to me how it's even remotely possible for the government to get socialized health care right when there is 99 TRILLION US DOLLARS of unfunded obligations for Social Security and Medicare? The government knows about this, YOU know about this and yet you STILL insist that government can provide you with affordable health care. Or take the energy bill. The ONLY way "green" energy can compete with standard existing energy is via a tax raise on the current energy production. HOW DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO YOU? HOW CAN YOU SIT THERE AND LISTEN TO LIES ABOUT NO NEW TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS. IF THIS ENERGY BILL PASS YOU WILL BE PAYING THE GOVERNMENT A TAX FOR USING ELECTRICITY MADE BY A COAL BURNING PLANT OR PAYING FOR HIGHER RATES AT A SUBSIDIZED "GREEN" PLANT? Oh and by the way the higher taxes you pay on your coal burning plant electricity go to building more "green" power plants which directly compete with the coal burning one. WHAT? But just sit there. Leave all these problems and many more for the next generation. Leave it for the children that are being born today to solve. Most of you 50+ won't be alive when they're 30+ so it doesn't matter to you. You 50+ age group which are currently in power and who will soon be passing the torch on to your children don't get it. You've condemned you children and grandchildren. Your grandchildren if they're smart will put your children in the street. How far removed do you believe we are from Iran? Those people in the streets of Tehran have more spine than you all do. They know when they aren't being counted and decry it and some even sacrifice their lives for it. Now I know I've been generalizing whole groups of people. There are clearly some out there that have recognized the errors made and are taking actions. The are peacefully protesting the wrongs done. The problem is there aren't really very many. Still most couldn't care less that they are loosing their rights. Not so long ago during a discussion about how the government is now a shareholder in GM and how in doing so they have effectively raised your taxes without ever taking a vote I got the following response: "So? I don't see how that's a problem. The car still costs the same?" Does it really? The government takes your money without your vote and it costs the same? Your rights have been taken and you don't even know it nor do you care about it. So continue voting along party lines for the same incumbent. Tell yourself he/she is working for you. Tell yourself there is nothing you can do. Believe it because it's getting to the point where you won't be able to do anything about it if you wanted to. Did you call your Congressman/woman and demand they vote NO on the energy bill? Did you even know about the energy bill? Will you call your Senator and demand they vote NO on the energy bill? Most of you probably won't. You're too busy with important stuff like TV, movies and getting dinner ready. I COMPLETELY understand. Just remember when you're older and grayer and my kids put you on the street you had a chance to fix it, you FAILED, and you deserve what you get. PROTEST TODAY with a phone call. PROTEST TOMORROW with a vote. November 2010 will be here before you know it.

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