Saturday, June 6, 2009

Stop blinking or you'll miss it all!

Did you blink and miss it? I know I almost did but I was halfway into the blink with my eyes only half shut. I almost didn't believe what my ears had heard. If my eyes would've been completely closed I might have thought, that can't possibly be B.H. Obama it had to have been an impersonator. NOPE! B.H. actually, for the first time, publicly began setting the stage for the play called "Gitmo Aint Closing This Year". I heard it's going to be a musical in which B.H. stars as an up-n-comer charismatic man who promised gold at the end of the rainbow to his passionate followers. The climatic ending has B.H. running away with his Czars, the followers cash and leaving behind broken dreams, empty promises and a ruined nation. Wait WHAT? In Dresden Obama said:

"I don't anticipate that it's going to be resolved anytime in the next two or three months. I think it's going to be a longer process of evaluation,"
Google that quote and make your own judgement call but I'd put my money on Gitmo not closing by the end of the year. B.H. is beginning to prepare his supporters for the let down 6 months early. Before some of you start in with the excuse making remember he didn't need to UNI-LATERALLY (yeah that word cuts both ways and I'm using it to needle the Dems) go it ALONE attitude in signing an executive order to close Gitmo by years end on his second day as President without consulting our ALLIES. Oh gee you mean the Europeans didn't show up to help out with the closing of Gitmo after publicly calling for it's closure for years? This is what you get when you vote into office someone with NO experience. Lots of big ideas and promises all of which come crashing down once applied to reality just like his promises to have all combat troops out of Iraq in 16 months from office. Which once he took office became 18 - 19 months leaving a 35-50,000 troop "transitional force" behind until 2011. The transitional forces mission will be, and I quote B.H.:

"we will retain a transitional force to carry out three distinct functions: training, equipping, and advising Iraqi Security Forces as long as they remain non-sectarian; conducting targeted counter-terrorism missions; and protecting our ongoing civilian and military efforts within Iraq."

That quote in itself when put up against B.H.'s claim to have all combat troops out of Iraq shows B.H.'s lack of understanding of the word COMBAT. To protect civilian and military efforts wouldn't involve COMBAT? To conduct targeted counter-terrorism missions wouldn't involve COMBAT? So this extension of the closing of Gitmo is just another let down to those that voted for hope and change and is another I TOLD YOU SO to all of the rest of us. Funny how everyday that passes B.H. sounds more and more like G.W.

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